Sunday, June 17, 2007

I left my heart in...Kansas City

Greetings! This week I have been frolicking in the "Show Me" state, on behalf of attending a glorified picnic (a.k.a. my sister's wedding), playing with frisbees made out of plates and catchin' them fireflies. First of all, let me just say that I like it here. And I don't want to leave. Why, you ask? Well, other than the awesome beef in Missouri, just inquire of any Seattleite at the moment, and they will tell you why: IT'S RAINING THERE. IN JUNE. Surprised? Me neither. But I am really getting used to the stifling heat here, and I was just getting over my seasonal depression. Ah well. Or, as the French would say, "C'est la vie". Actually, they probably never say that because it's the second most popular French phrase known to Americans (the first being "Voulez-vous couchez avec moi?"-- thank you Moulin Rouge). And we all know that the French hate Americans. Too bad, so sad.

Moving on, I've decided to combat pathetic weather patterns with a new trench from Burberry (when I earn enough tips to purchase it of course, by which time it may actually be fall). I visited a boutique in KC and tried this baby on for size:

Ah, the Burberry trenchcoat. How do I love thee? Let me count the ways:

1. So versatile, so classically chic.

2. Perfect for streaking.

3. Even more perfect for me, a budding reporter. Surely it will make a good impression on my future editor-boss types.

4. It's on sale ($650, down from $995).

Really, I don't have a choice. Or do I? Perhaps I'll ask the opinion of my many devoted readers. Not that I really care what you have to say. Or do I? I know, I'll stop.

And now, on to...

Favorite T of the Week:

Okay, so people may have to stare at your chest really hard with a magnifying glass to read this shirt, and then give you strange looks because that is like, totally OMFG. OR they may think it is hilarious and ROFLMAO. Based on their reaction, you will choose whether to be friends with this or that person. Yes, it's that easy.


Well, that's all for now my friends. I am off to bed on a fold-out couch. Lovely.

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Music Snob Solutions

Bonjour mes amis! As this is my first post, I thought I'd mention that I am not the OCD type, and I do not look up everything on Wikipedia, and by no means am I a music (or fashion for that matter, as this blog will have that component) snob. However, there are some things that cannot go unpunished. Case in point:

I basically cried when I saw this, and then I listened to about 5 seconds of Young Love's rendition of "1979". And well...let's just say that if Billy Corgan actually agreed to this, he must have been going through a Kevin Barnes-like depression (as in when he sold the much-loved "Wraith Pinned to the Mist and other Games" off to an Outback Steakhouse commercial).

As if that wasn't bad enough, it's almost too depressing to point out the weird and sad choice of bringing in self-proclaimed "emo" "band" Panic! At the Disco to cover the Pumpkins' masterpiece, "Tonight, Tonight". It's obvious that said band's lead vocalist (not even going to give him the dignity of looking his name up on Wikipedia) is getting by on a serious lack of talent when he butchers this song with a whiny, pitchy, overall disgraceful lack of singing ability.

Nobody should look like this, ever.

Myspace is officially dead to me, as is Spin magazine, and whoever else is responsible for this so-called "tribute" album, which is more like the musical version of a balled-up kleenex. I'm really sorry Billy, Jimmy, James, and D'arcy, wherever you are.

Luckily, no one listens to tribute albums, so on to the next item of business: this shirt.

Favorite T of the Week
You may have noticed this t-shirt dress, worn by model Lydia Hearst, featured in the June/July issue of Teen Vogue. Of course it was accompanied by yet another article about thinny-thin models. So what makes this shirt worthy of such a prestigious award? Not only is it a political statement, to me it is just plain wonderful. I tried to find it on the Yellow Fever website, but alas, it was nowhere to be found. I suppose this shirt is just too cool to be worn by us mere mortals.

On a side note, I will (probably) be making this a weekly thing, so expect another uber cool t-shirt next tuesday!

GROS BISOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!